What's New With Episode Six

The vital intersection of intuitive design and new tech

Written by Rebecca Choi | Jul 12, 2024 4:05:16 PM

Why product accessibility is crucial to the solutions we deliver 


Remember the release of the first iPhone back in 2007? 


The iPhone’s arrival was met with a wave of excitement and curiosity, as well as reservations surrounding its release. Most of us recall hearing of its debut through an ad, the media or word of mouth. The technology in this device was to be revolutionary. 
A user of the 2007 iPhone could play music, surf the internet, and text with just a swipe of a finger. There was nothing quite like it. Yet, the technology in the phone was not entirely new. Touch screens already existed, the Blackberry had a web browser, and many phones were already able to play music.  



What made the iPhone different?  


Unlike many of its predecessors, the iPhone was created with great stress on accessibility and ease of use - redefining intuitive design. From understanding human anatomy - how far fingers can comfortably reach, the surface area of the finger, or even the amount of pressure we’d naturally like to use - the iPhone was created to be physically navigated with ease. Understanding human psychology was also a significant aspect of its design. Knowing where and what people are naturally inclined to search for helps cultivate an easier experience of navigating the product. The iPhone designers’ solid understanding of their users was an integral part of the product’s creation. 


At Episode Six (E6), we see intuitive design as a vital part of our technical solutions. 


New technology is a requirement to stay current, and technological advancement will often feel daunting.  But tech upgrades can save a tremendous amount of time, effort and money. New technology can even open new markets or change the trajectory of an entire industry. It can also require time and effort to integrate. If not implemented correctly, it can also fail to live up to its promises. 

E6 takes the following steps to ensure our design decisions support our technology and our clients. 


Conducting market and user research 


Our design team is constantly working to better understand market trends. Before any design decision, we take a deep dive into the product solution that will serve the market best. Our considerations are typically based off of the following: 

  • What is currently available in the market 
  • How the market has evolved  
  • How we can stay on top of the market 


In addition, we aim to have a thorough understanding of our clients’ needs including: 

  • The pain points of our direct clients 
  • The experiences between our clients and their customers 
  • The individual goals of our clients 


Creating design solutions 


Once we have a thorough understanding of the product request, we make intentional design decisions that will help serve both the product and the users. We research design trends that are familiar to users to ensure accessibility and best enable our users to easily navigate our products. 


Understanding design impacts 


The impact of intentional, intuitive design is often very evident. Yet, with time, the market changes and our products will have to change as well. One of the best ways we learn how to improve our products is by receiving feedback from our clients. By understanding the impact of our design decisions, we succeed in better serving our technology and our clients. 


About E6 


Episode Six helps banks and brands create payment products their customers love. We provide ledger and cards technology that can power almost any payments use case. Our cloud-based platform, TRITIUM®, is designed to fit into your existing tech stack, so you can easily build market-leading products without disrupting ongoing operations. Our solutions are scalable, flexible, and powerful, giving you the ability to stay ahead of the market and strengthen your business.   


With over 50 enterprise clients processing transactions in 29 countries, E6 is trusted by banks and brands around the world. TRITIUM offers real-time RESTful API processing, powers thousands of transactions of per second, and has market-leading compliance, security, and reliability with over 99.99% uptime and 24/7 support. Our technology is proven to make even the most ambitious product roadmap a reality.  


Ready to accelerate your business?Contact E6 today.